"Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes on."
Samuel Butler

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A new year dawns, and many of you I'm sure, have been reflective over the past few days. I had a wonderful family holiday in San Francisco and came home to news of the surprise marriage of two dear friends, the full recovery of a friend in hospital and some new ideas for gigs this year. It's all good!

I also heard, through Peter Elliott, of the thinking of Rachel Remen. (You'll find the reference in Peter's sermon of the 4th of January at www.cathedral.vancouver.bc.ca) Dr. Remen asks a number of very important questions, to which Peter alludes, and one in particular struck me. She asks us to consider which star do we steer our boats by -- what star do we follow? I submit this is a critical question for leaders.

Related questions are where are we going? What is our deeper purpose? Dr. Remen would ask us if the star we are following is one of greed and fear? Or are we following a star of wholeness, of creativity, of compassion, of justice? These questions then are not just about us, but about the organizations for which we work and lead. Is our corporate vision one that inspires positive change, and brings about a healthy planet and communities?

This question, what star do we follow, is reflected too, in the Christian traditions. This week, tomorrow in fact, is the Feast of the Epiphany, where tradition holds the celebration of the gifts of the Magi, the kings from "the east," who followed a star to the birthplace of Jesus.

What is the star that will guide you this coming year? Will it bring about new ways of being for you personally and as a leader? Will it challenge you to make a difference in your life, in your family and in you community. I hope that it does.