"Faced with the choice between changing one's mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everybody gets busy on the proof."
John Kenneth Galbraith

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Good evening one and all!

I'm safely ensconsed in a hotel room in the Okanagan region of BC, and it is a lovely evening. Last night I was boarding a plan from Honolulu to Vancouver, so I must admit a certain culture shock, as I attempt to move from beach to board room!

Before I left I made a note about a piece forwarded to me from Margaret Wheatley. Dr. Wheatly is perhaps best known for her groundbreaking work in "Leadership and the New Science", where she argues that we need to re-think most of the models of management and leadership, because we have built them on Newtonian physics, that is, cause and effect, and predicatbality. In the paradigms of post modern thinking uncovered by quantum physics we find that there is much less predicatble about the world, and cause and effect are not necessarily absolute. For example, simply because I'm the boss is not sufficient enough reason for another person to behave or act in the way I want them to.

Dr. Wheatley has developed a wonderful exploration process that may assist you in gaining clarity about what you ae called to do and to be as a leader in these times. (Check out www.margaretwheatley.com ) She calls the process, * Fearless Questions, and the questions are at the very least, very courageous:

1. Does the world need me to be fearless?
2. Who do I choose to be for this world?
3. How do I name myself?
4. Can I bear witness to what is?
5. Can I work with what's available?
6. Can I give up needing to make a difference?
7. How do I imprison myself?
8. How do I offer my work?

Any one of these is worth exploring as a leadership question. It is my hope that you might find them a useful place to continue your own journey of self-discovery as a leader.