"It is easier to get forgiveness than it is to secure permission."
Jesuit Principle

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Leadership Notes -- Thoughts on Leading People and Making a Difference in Organizations

Word count this issue: 306

Estimated reading time:   2.35

Video: https://www.youtube.com/my_videos?o=U


Greetings from a warming Vancouver BC.  This is a favourite time of year for many people; as we awaken from the cold dark of winter. And, as leaders, there is much to learn from the natural world.


For example, the universe seems wired to change from within. Buds appear on tress from within, flowers start popping up from within, the hibernators emerge, infant birds come out of shells, and it is light and warmth that so often call this new life out. 


As leaders, first for ourselves and then for the people whom we serve, it is important to remember that change comes from within, most effectively called out by warmth and caring. The more I berate myself, the colder I am to myself, the more difficult it will be for the emerging me to appear. The more I try and force you, berate you, the colder I am to you, the less likely you will change. I might be able to get you to comply with my wishes, but commitment comes only from within you.  


Quite frankly the more I want you to freeze in place, the more fear I need to put in your heart. And the more I am committed to individual and corporate/community growth, the more warmth I need to bring to the conversation.


We can generate warmth in our conversations in many ways, and here are three:


  1. Be vulnerable, share stories about your own journey and mistakes
  2. Be interested in the other person’s struggle and successes
  3. Bring shared laughter to work; not laughing at people, but laughing with them



May this week and this season bring warmth to your conversations, and bring forth an emerging you from within.