"Your thinking becomes your script. Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."

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Leadership Notes -- Thoughts on Leading People and Making a Difference in Organizations

Word count this issue: 282

Estimated reading time:  1.45 minutes


I’ve been travelling a lot this week — 6 different airplanes since Monday. I’ve been very aware of how blasé so many of us are about air travel, and then I watch a little kid get on an airplane and walk wide eyed down the aisle, looking back every now and then towards their parent. There is this wonderful mixture of trepidation and excitement in their eyes. 


Now, I have a little kid inside of me that is still after all these years excited about getting on the air side of security, so I suppose I see myself in their eyes, but truth be known, I’m not usually as wide eyed — although the 787 is a magnificent piece of tech!.


It has got me wondering, what is it that gives us adults the same kind of trepidation and excitement? That feeling of “oh my, I can't believe I’m here, and I’m not really sure what to do next.” It is a wonderful feeling, being just outside your comfort zone, and taking the first few steps. It is the place of growth and gained confidence. 


My challenge for you this coming week is to find something to do that takes you there; that place of being a kid on an airplane for the first time. Try something new in a meeting, practice a new idea with a colleague, add one more person to your network, try talking to that person you see most days in the elevator. Try something new.

May this week be filled with wide eyed views of the world.