"Conservatism is the worship of dead revolutions."
Clinton Rossiter

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Good afternoon and welcome to a brand new year, and a brand new look to Leadership Notes. Thank you for joining us.


I hope the holiday season was filled with joy and health for you and yours. And if not, I hope that you are finding strength and courage in the midst of any challenges you might be facing.


I've come across a great tool to use with yourself when you're faced with uncertainties. It reminds me of the great "Red Pill/Blue Pill" scene from The Matrix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE7PKRjrid4 


Say you have to make a decision about a change in your life or work. Find yourself sitting in a comfortable chair, both feet on the ground, and take a couple of deep breaths. Imagine that in the arms of your chair, are two buttons.  A red one and a green one. Pressing the red button leaves everything the same;  the status quo. Nothing changes in your life. Nothing changes in your work. Nothing changes within you. Pressing the green button means that the change sequence is initiated, what ever that means for you. 


And the choice is entirely yours. No judgement required, no regrets, the choice is yours.


I've been using this exercise for about a week, and I've found it quite profound and frankly freeing. It's helped me see my accountability, my responsibility for the choices I make and have made. It also feels somewhat like the starting gate of a ride; I'm not sure exactly what the outcome will be, but I am having a great time. And what ever happens, I was the one who pressed the button.



May this year be one of making choices and accountability.