"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything"
Mark Twain

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One of the things that has struck me over the past week or so is hope. I have seen it, I have experienced it. Hope.

I learned of a lunch between an estranged father and son. I watched a leader quietly ask a young boy how he pronounced his name, and then returning to him a few moments later, pronouncing it as he had. I have sat with a young woman as she wrestles with mental illness and shows up every day.

I have seen hope and I trust that it is in us. It may not always be evident, but it is there. And I believe it is a fundamental role of leaders, in any sector, to articulate and inspire hope. “It may be difficult today, and there are new possibilities tomorrow.” “We may not be able to do ‘x’ now, but your ideas are great, keep them coming.” “Outstanding job, you’ve done great work here. You’re becoming a real master of this” And even simply listening, and giving someone the space to grow; “you’re the expert, let’s do it your way.”

It saddens me to see how much fear fills our minds and stories these days. Fear is a healthy response to a bad situation; it is absolutely dangerous if it becomes our daily experience. We cannot move, we panic, we aren’t able to use the thinking parts of our minds. So, step up to hope, it is what moves us all forward.

May this week be one of hope for each of us.