"In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future."
Eric Hofer

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Good morning from a cold and clear Vancouver. This part of Canada has finally been hit by the cold snap! It’s going up to 0 Celcius today, and there could be snow on Sunday! Yikes! We can now feel  a little more connected with our brothers and sisters in places like Calgary, where it was -25 last night at the airport! (or so we like to think!)

I’m just back from a wonderful leadership development session with a group of emerging credit union leaders, and I’m charged!  On the plane flying home last night, I was thinking about how important wisdom transfer was. You see, I was about 30 years older than some of the participants in the workshop. I was reminded about a session with a group of men on a Saturday morning in a few weeks ago. A breakfast and speaker series, I’ve attended when able for a number of years, this Men’s Breakfast brings together about 30 men from around Vancouver in a safe and confidential place to explore issues of life, growth, spirituality, and psychology for and by men. This particular breakfast speaker was one of our own and an elder among us. In short, he had about 30 years on some of the men in the room. (I’ll honour the confidentiality of the room and not mention names.)

This elder was inspiring, challenging and provocative, and I loved every second of his talk. One of the more intriguing questions was, “what truth do you want to be in your life?”

What an extraordinary question and one that I think needs to be asked of all of us as leaders. If you can get the answer to the question for you, your clarity, your focus and your will and strength will grow exponentially. It’s definitely worth the investment of time to explore your answer.

 May this week give us time to explore the answer to an elder’s question, what truth do you want to be in your life?