"A human being who has not a single hour for his own every day is no human being."
Rabbi Moshe Leib of Sasov

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Spring is certainly in the air today here in Vancouver! I hope it is wherever you are as well. I have had the great honour of regularly visiting a dying parishioner and friend over the past few months. Anyone who has cared for a dying person or worked in palliative care will know how deeply profound the experience can be. In many cases, and certainly in this case, the spark of life is amazing to witness. I have learned so much about patience, about strength and courage, and about our own frailty by quietly sitting next to a bed. I have also seen once more, how often life can be remade; how we can learn from our mistakes, we can make amends, we can find it in our hearts to forgive ourselves and others, we can be compassionate with ourselves and others. In the words of Mahatma Ghandi, “As human beings our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world as in being able to remake ourselves.” And from a leadership perspective, the opportunity to learn, to grow and develop both for ourselves, and to allow for the development and growth of others is fundamental. In the words of designer Christopher Simmons, http://www.underconsideration.com/brandnewconference/speakers_simmons.php “…success is a map of failures; explore with courage. Draw the contours with grace.” May each of us this week find time for amendment of life, and to draw the contours of our work with grace.