"Today and tomorrow, the successful leader is the one who leads the process of learning."
Sir Douglas Hague

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Good morning from Vancouver Airport. I trust that this week is filled with self discovery.

I'm excited more than usual for this trip. I am headed to Brandon, Manitoba. Not on the Conde Naste top 10, to be sure, but a fun place for me to return to. I was stationed at the Canadian Forces Base, Shilo, just outside of Brandon in 1977. I was just 17, and looking back on my adventures at the time, brings a grin. I look forward to seeing Brandon, for the first time in 32 years in a few hours.

The 17 year old is now 50. The 17 year old would not in his wildest dreams be able to imagine the last 32 years. The 50 year old would not have missed a moment of the last 32 years, good and bad. And as I reflect on that fact, I realize how fortunate I am to have a life that allows for such reflection and self discovery.

As leaders, self discovery may be our most important work. Psychologist James Hollis calls it "inner work" and time and purpose to do inner work is vital. My hope is that this week you find .5 an hour to recall the 17 year old within and to reflect on the subsequent years; what have you learned, what wisdom have you gained, what difference can you make now in the world?