"Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes on."
Samuel Butler

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Good morning, I trust this note finds you engaged and enjoying your work and passion.

I had the great priviledge of attending the most recent Connecting for Change Dialogue in Vancouver, produced by my friend Charles Holmes and an amazing team. It was held at Christ Church Cathedral and under the auspices of the Dalai Lama Centre for Peace and Education. -n one section, we worked in a World Cafe model, under the direction of World Cafe co-developer Juanita Brown, and a student of hers, Samantha Tan. We engaged with questions around our passion, our gifts, and the work we do to change our corner of the world for the better. If ever one of these Connecting for Change Dialogues comes to your town, you owe it to yourself to go!

One of my dialogue partners was the singer-songwriter Beth Neilson Chapman, and we were talking about creativity. She said, "Creativity is waiting patiently for the noise in your mind to quiet down."

I mentioned the book "In the Beginning, Creativity" by Gordon Kaufman who argues that the Divine Spirit is creativity, that force in the universe that creates and re-creates. It is that force that we humans are able to tap into by quieting our minds.

As leaders it is vital for us to find moments like the Connecting for Change Dialogues, like a walk on the beach, a meditative or prayer practice or a quiet time looking out the window of an office, allowing our minds to quiet down, and let creativity enter our minds. You'll be surprised by what she brings to you.

It is my hope that you find some time this week to quiet you mind and let patient creativity in. You might just be able to find a new way to change your corner of the world for the better.