"Faced with the choice between changing one's mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everybody gets busy on the proof."
John Kenneth Galbraith

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Merry Christmas to all from a snowy and slushy Vancouver!

This time of year of course is a challenge for some. We sometimes forget that heartbreak, illness, grief and terror grip many people's hearts at this time, as with any other time of year. It may be a white Christmas, but darkness and fear are still present. Please remember these people in the midst of the joy you may be experiencing.

And remember, Christmas is about hope, it is about new possibilities, new life. My Bishop, will bless the community with the following words on Christmas eve, and I hope that you find some measure of inspiration in them:

" Return now to the place where God has given you responsibility. Remember the peace and love we have celebrated and do not fail to show to all people the new life that is already among us. Have courage. Hold on to what is good. Return no one evil for evil. Strengthen those who fail. Support the weak and honour all life. "

Merry Christmas to you and to all those whom are important to you.
