"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first."
Mark Twain

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Good morning all! I hope this finds you passionate about your work and the difference you make in the world.

It has been a most interesting last 10 days or so, as I have wrestled with technological hiccups; starting 10 days or so ago with a virus that attacked my computer, then the good folks in IT at CUSource migrating us all to Outlook -- my blackberry had to be 'wiped' in order to accomplish this so I lost some of my addresses. I was reflecting through the adventure of how much of an immigrant I really am in the land of technology! (Picking up on last week's notes)

And then I began to think of how fortunate I am to be able to use my voice, to express myself, to speak my truth to so many people through technology. As much as I am an immigrant, I am wealthy enough to be able to afford the technology to express myself to a wider audience than most people on the planet. And the majority of us living in the Western world are so enhanced.

From a leadership perspective an interesting question gets raised; if I am able to speak, to express myself, to have a voice enhanced and amplified through technology, what am I saying, who am I being? All of us with leadership roles are given a certain place of honour on the dias, people listen to us to varying degrees. What we say and who we are as we say it is very important. There is that poignant story of Henry II and his friend Thomas a Beckett, who Henry had made Archbishop of Canterbury. Their friendship strained by political intrigue, Henry, drunk and melancholy cried out, "who will rid me of this meddlesome priest!" Two of his knights, thinking they were doing the King a favour, rode for Canterbury and killed Beckett. The King was not pleased, but learned an important lesson, be careful what you say, it may get done for you.

My hope for each of this week is that we have an opportunity to reflect and then to speak up, and in doing so, make a difference for us, for our team , for our organization and for our time and place.