And the adventure continues! It is good to be busy, especially when busy and learning a lot. My journeys over the past couple of weeks have been many and varied, but also filled with delayed flights and near miss tornadoes! It’s all good!
And life continues, as we struggle and thrive in our work lives, the far more important issues remain; relationships begin and end, children are born, elders die; and sometimes, like at the moment, those dramas take on personal colours as friends make new discoveries in themselves and in their relationships, an old friend wrestles with a chronic illness and the related effects of the drugs, and other friends (tragically a young Mum) face aggressive leukemia. And the journey continues.
These events, both near and far, remind us that life is far more than work. In the words of Tom Peters, “you can scour the world’s grave yards, you’ll never see a headstone that reads, ‘She Made Budget.’”
For this week, may each of us make the time to touch someone’s heart; to sit for a while longer with an upset colleague, to call a parent far away, to hold the door, not just for the next person, but for the next three people, to give yourself or someone else a hug, just because. You are a light to someone’s darkness and it may be your own.
And, to be what little help I can, the young Mum with leukemia’s family has sent out an urgent call for folks to register for bone marrow transplants. It’s a relatively simple process to register, and if you are a match for someone, a sight amount of discomfort for you, can save the life of someone else. For those of you in Canada, below is a link to the "One Match" bone marrow registry run by Canadian Blood Services (CBS). Information about the registry and forms to complete are on this site: Thanks very much, and please keep this young family in your thoughts and prayers.
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