"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."
Mother Teresa

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Good morning from Gate 34J at Vancouver International Airport. A high pressure system promises warmer than usual temperatures and I'm excited about the week's work ahead. I hope the week is as filled with promise for you too.

I was thrilled to have lunch late last week with a former teacher and now friend, Rabbi Dr. Robert Daum. Robert is a scholar and theologian who has been an extraordinary influence on my professional life for the last number of years.

In the midst of our wide ranging dialogue, Robert mentioned that in the rabbinic traditions, one did not 'teach' a text to a student, one 'learned' a text with a student.  As a teacher myself, I found that shift in perspective very powerful. And as I thought more about it, I realized that leadership could be reframed in a similar way; leading is not something we do to people, it is what we do with people.

As you lead this week, consider, what insights are being shared, what are you learning while you lead, what are you learning from the people whom you lead, what can you do differently to ensure that you are learning from the team as you lead?

I hope that this week gives you ample opportunity to learn and lead at the same time.